Spring is here in the Village

Spring has come to Central NY, and so life on the Little Homestead in the Village moves more outdoors I've spent a few very pleasant hours raking up leaves from the flower-beds. There is still so much more to do. I heard a cardinal somewhere up in one of the spruce trees sing, then in the next yard over, a potential mate answered. Then the bird songs were interrupted by church bells. That is when I made a mental list of what I like about village life. Now mind you, i'd rather be farther out in the county, either in the Adirondack Mountains or a little farmstead bordering a wooded steam. But here I am in the village that I grew up in , in the house that was owned by several generations of my family. So...I like the bird songs, I like the Church bells, I do like that I'm not far from what I need. In minutes I can be at the box hardware store, fabric store, grocery stories, libraries colleges, and other stores. In less than an hour I can be at my camp or kayaking in the Adirondack. Our neighborhood is very safe. Although my piece of land is not big, it sometimes seems to be more than I can handle anyways. (Too much lawn and weeds) We really are able to grow much of our food, We have some nice amenities , a hot tub and a pond with waterfalls. My garden has birds, butterflies and flowers. Quality of life if pretty good.

My plants under the lights are growing very well. I pruned the pussy willows and a big vase of pussy-willows is sitting on top of the piano. I put the trimmings in a vase of water and am rooting them to sell on CraigsList. My plan is to launch"Barefoot Gardens" this year. I have extra plants so I sell these through CL. At least make enough money to pay for what I need and want in the garden.


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