I have faith that spring will come.

February, especially around Valentines Day is traditionally cold and snowy in Central NY where the "Little Homestead in the Village "is located.  My thoughts are not on the weather and windchill, (sometimes bringing single digit temperature). Instead, I'm studying the calendar and the data base I've made with lists of the seeds packs I have and plant by dates. I wonder when the snow will melt, when the pussy willows will appear and the raised beds in the vegetable garden will be suitable for some early planting.

The Barefoot Gardens of the Little Homestead in the Village


  I like to plant some varieties of vegetables, flowers and herbs that are not readily available as plants in the local nurseries and greenhouses. Also I like to plant a lot of things like Alyssum so its cheaper to start some things indoors. Some new gardeners start their seeds too early or start everything at the same time. That usually doesn't work out well though. Plants easily become 'leggy" that is, spindly

A few weeks ago, I started some peppers and tomatoes a little earlier than recommended. I'm making sure they have plenty of light coming from the grow light shelves Walt rigged up a few years ago. The mixture of heirloom tomatoes are showing nice sets of true leaves, while the peppers which are slower growers and take longer to germinate have health cotyledon (first) leaves. The tray of mixed basil has also sprouted as has the scallions.

Tomato showing true leaves

Yesterday I sowed alpine strawberry seeds, American flag leeks seeds I also have a flat of peas seeds which in a few weeks yield peas shoots which will become lovely addition to our salad.


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