Choke Cherry Cordial

 On a beautiful Mid September day last year  Walt and I joined some friends to mushroom hunt in the Central Adirondacks. After our foray, I noticed a long hedgerow filled with ripe chokecherries. Lots of Wild Chokecherries.

Chokecherries belong to the rose (Rosaceae) family.  They get their name from their strong sour taste known to make many pucker when first tasting them. Chokecherries are commonly used to make jams, syrups, and even wine.

We took as as many as we could, filling every basket and bag we could find to almost the breaking point. There were so many that we could have taken even more and still had plenty left for the wildlife. When we returned home with this find, we had the task of deciding what to do with all that fruit. Most went into the freezer for a future project, but some was set aside to try out a cordial recipe I found.

1 c chokecherry (can use frozen)
3/4 c sugar
11/2 c vodka
Put all in a quart jar. Shake daily. Keep in a dark place. Ready in a month. Stain and bottle.

The results are most excellent. Thick, sweet yet with a quality that lifts it above the ordinary. The color is red and clear, making a perfect Holidays nip or for forever ails you.


Sherry casey said…
Forgive me for asking but what about the seed removal.?

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